Friday, November 2, 2012

Screenplays are about Tools - Sorta

The tool of a movie is the marketing poster.

It's what everyone thinks the movies about.  It's what everyone calls Theme.

It's what a company's Brand is.

It's the thing everyone wants to know how to use to solve their problem.

It's the glue that connects Theme and Thesis.

It's the ornament that connects function and form.

It's an "abstract idea" - a metaphor/symbol AND it's a tool.

Star wars - "trust", the force and light saber, space jet, death star
Shawshank redemption - Hope, hammer
pulp fiction - second chances, sword, bullet, garage and towel
big lebowski - "a dick" and information (dialectic has two)
toy story 3 - love
fisher king - forgiveness
batman begins - fear
sixth sense - the sixth sense
se7ven - the seven deadly sins
indiana jones and the last crusade - the holy grail

The tool can be expressed both literally and figuratively.  And above I'm intermixing, showing one or both.

Take Batman Begins.

The tool:
Literally - the bat suit, the bat toys, the scarecrow mask and drug
figurativelly - Fear

So ask, how is the tool used by the opposing sides in terms of reaching the goal,  answering the theme?

A tool:  For Christians- It's what the holy spirit and bible is to God and Jesus.
A tool: It's what screenwriting books and their knowledge are to Writer's and screenplays
A tool:  It's what blogs are to readers and "doing work."

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