Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dramatica - why it doesn't work.

1) Dramatica mismatches and splits their archetypes.  At first glance they seem to make sense but look at it this way.

Protagonist - Antagonist(dark mentor)
Guardian(Mentor) - Contagonist(Trickster)
Reason(attractor) - Emotion(attractor)
Sidekick - Skeptic(dark Attractor)

Here's the right way.

Protagonist - Contagonist(trickster)
Guardian(mentor) - Antagonist(dark mentor)
Reason(attractor) - Skeptic(dark attractor)
Sidekick - Emotion(dark sidekick)

2) The mind deconstructs stories the opposite way it constructs a story.

To construct a story you start with a character.  To deconstruct you start with a story.  You can't take the pieces you pull from one unique story and put them back together to make a new story.

Yes archetypes are general pieces not unique-specific pieces.  True.  And that is why when you put general pieces back in order with new character names you get a straight forward general story that fails.

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