Story Types

Transformational Story - The main character embodies the Theme.  That is, the main character is undecided in terms of which thesis to embody to reach their goal.

An example is Schindler's list.  The main character is asking the question "what makes a friend?"  He considers both the nazis and the Jews his friends at the start.  These two groups each embody a thesis.  The nazis, Goeth steal from him, while the jews, give him free work and thanks.  He chooses the second thesis as his answer and illustrates it by becoming, a friend to the jews by giving his money for their lives.  He transforms into one.

Dialectical Story - The screenwriter embodies the theme.  Two characters, at least one considered to be the "main character", embody opposing theses reaching toward the same goal.  In the end a third theses, a third character, reaches the goal.

Dialectic structure - Thesis+Antithesis=Synthesis

An example is The Big Lebowski.  The Dude embodies traditional feminine traits, Walter embodies traditional male traits and Maude embodies the synthesis of these two traits.

Vs. Story - The screenwriter embodies the theme.  One character embodies the dominant thesis while all others embody the lesser thesis.  The dominant thesis answers the theme throughout the entire story.

An example is True Grit.  Maddie embodies heart.  All other characters lack it, but when then embody it they are successful.

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